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Visit of a delegation of Sweden to Kortrijk
April 26, 2007 4:12 PM

 On the 19th of April, a large delegation of  30 representatives from the adult education sector in Sweden came on a study trip to Kortrijk. The City of Kortrijk, the Public Centre of Social Welfare and the Library presented the local LLL-results of the VISP project and after some site seeing also local organisations and adult education institutes presented their school and way of working.

White Paper on Urban Policy
July 5, 2006 7:48 AM

        The Flemisch Community published in 2003 a white book on urban policy,The century of the city‘ which inspires also cities as Kortrijk in their vision about the development of Kortrijk. It is the result of two years of work, which started with background analyses and discussions between academics, experts and other stakeholders.

Libraries and civil society : invitation seminar
February 15, 2006 1:42 PM

The Netherlands Public Library Association (Vereniging van Openbare Bibliotheken) and the Flemish agency for public libraries (Vlaams Centrum voor Openbare Bibliotheken - VCOB) have formed the Low Countries LIbrary Link. They take turns in organizing and hosting an international seminar, choosing as its theme a current itopig for colleagues in the low countries and their neighbouring countries.

Art and design event : Atmosfeer
October 7, 2005 8:53 AM

Family SME’s in Kortrijk have united in a non profit organisation in order to promote Kortrijk as an art and design city and to support the Kortrijk entrepreneurs.From 13 October until 17 October 2005, you will be able to follow a walking tour called “Atmosfeer".

Kortrijk most entreprising city of Flanders
April 4, 2005 3:22 PM

Kortrijk has been awarded as most enterprising municipality of Flanders in 2004 out of 30 candidates by the Union of Self-employed Enterpreneurs thanks to the plans to establish a business centre in the hart of the city in order to revitalise the inner centre. Kortrijk struggles with a drain of entrepreneurs, which causes vacancies and loss of  the population.

Opening of business centre Kortrijk
October 18, 2006 1:56 PM

            Photo : Valerie Lambertyn On Thursday the 12th of Octobre 2006, the official opening of the business centre in the inner city took place. The renovated building houses offices, a cafe, a high-tech videoconference room funded by VISP, 2 meeting rooms and 5 classrooms.

Eu-project NENSI about Service Incubator Centres
March 10, 2006 4:29 PM

The EU project NENSI has been finalised at the beginning of March. During this project, with partners from Twente ( near Enschede ) and Kortrijk, this Northern European Network for Service Incubators  has developed service support desks for young entrepreneurs.

Mölndal visited Kortrijk
October 19, 2005 11:22 AM

Kortrijk has got the honour to welcome a delegation of 18 visitors from the city of Mölndal. From Tuesday 11th  until Friday 14th of October 2005, the 18 social and cultural workers, teachers and politicians had the opportunity to follow different presentations about city planning, culture, social economy, welfare, unemployment and cultural integration and Life Long Learning.

Week of Designers, Kortrijk 05
June 13, 2005 3:57 PM

At the end of June is the first edition of the Week of Design in Kortrijk : 15 exhibitions of technical creative artists in fields like architecture, fashion, multimedia, textile design, photography, film, furniture, flowers, jewellery and graphic design. This is an initiative of  the City of Kortrijk in collaboration with about hundred companies and artists and all technical-creative training institutes.