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A Roadpap for Equality btw Women and Men 2006-2010


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EAPN FLASH No 180 - 11 May 2007


EAPN FLASH No 180 – 11 May 2007


EAPN meets Commissioner Spidla’s Cabinet

EAPN met with key members of Mr. Spidla’s cabinet on 19 April as a follow up to their meeting in February with the EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The meeting focused on two main themes: EAPN concerns about how far the “ear-marking” of Structural Funds for the “Lisbon” agenda would be used for social inclusion and proposals for strengthening the social pillar on Lisbon, and the Open Method of coordination on Social Protection on Social Inclusion.

For more information contact EAPN Director Fintan Farrell (
EAPN presents its position at Stakeholder Conference on Flexicurity

Fintan Farrell, EAPN Director presented EAPN position on Flexicurity at the Stakeholder Conference on Flexicurity which took place on 20 April in Brussels.

This conference was part of the board consultation process the European Commission is conducting among Member States, parliamentarians, Trade Unions, business, NGOs and the general public on Flexicurity.

The Commission will draw conclusions from this board consultation and will present in June a Communication which is to provide major input to the development of common principles around Flexicurity.

EAPN to take part in upcoming Employment week

EAPN will take active part in the 2007 Employment week which will take place on 5-6 June Brussels. On this occasion, EAPN will hold a stand as well as chair a workshop along with other members of the Social Platform.

The 14th edition of Employment Week will focus on ‘Working Europe – creating more and better jobs’. A two-day conference and exhibition will offer a great opportunity for practitioners and European decision-makers to connect and discuss the latest policies and trends in European employment and social issues. More information is available on the Employment Week 2007 website:


EAPN Ireland calls on all political parties to make poverty an election issue

Responding to the Irish Central Statistics Office’s Measuring Ireland’s Progress report published on 30 April, EAPN Ireland called on all parties to spell out how they will reduce the numbers at risk of poverty in Ireland to the European average, or lower, during the lifetime of the next Dáil.

“The timely publication of this report at the start of the election campaign gives every party the opportunity to outline their proposals for eliminating poverty in Ireland”, said EAPN Co-ordinator Robin Hanan.

EAPN Ireland has met with most of the parties before the start of the election campaign to highlight some of the key issues facing those tens of thousands of people in Ireland directly experiencing poverty.

For more information, pay a visit to EAPN Ireland’s election webpage.


6th European Meeting of people experiencing poverty shows examples of successful integration
The 6th European Meeting of people experiencing poverty, organised by the German Presidency, with the assistance of the European Commission and support from EAPN, took place in Brussels on 4-5 May.

Entitled “Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion: Progress made, future steps”, this 6th edition was attended by over 200 people. These included delegations of people experiencing poverty from 25 countries (24 Member States plus Norway) together with many Social Protection Committee (SPC) and Social Exclusion Programme (SEP) committee members, representatives of the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, EAPN and other European NGOs.

On this occasion, the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Franz Müntefering, emphasised the participation process of those experiencing poverty: “Participation must not be a one-way street. It is important to organise the process from the bottom to the top, to talk to one another instead of talking about one another.”

“The Commission will continue to support the fight against poverty and social exclusion”, added Vladimir Spidla, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. “Above all in the framework of the European Social Fund and of the Community’s new PROGRESS programme, the Commission will provide considerable funding to allow progress to be achieved.”

See the German Presidency’s press release

EU Constitution: EU leaders getting ready for the June summit

As German Chancellor and current EU President Angela Merkel intends to present a road map at the June Summit, which will lay out an ambitious calendar to put a new treaty in place, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is trying to set up an alliance of EU member states in favour of a simple amending treaty instead of a European constitution.

His proposal up to now was met with approval by the governments of the Netherlands, Poland and the Czech Republic. These four member states also call for the Charter of Fundamental Rights not to be an integral part of the future treaty. Mr. Blair hopes that agreement on key elements of the future treaty will already be reached during the European Council in June.

Italian leader Romano Prodi on the other hand said in a debate on the future of Europe in the Portuguese Parliament, that if the EU should opt for a minimalist treaty solution, stronger cooperation and deeper integration of a limited number of EU member states should be possible.

Read more about EU Member States’ positions on:

EU agrees breakthrough hate-crime law

The 27 Ministers of Justice came to an agreement on 19th April in order to make racism and negationism a crime across the whole of Europe, but Member States will be free to prosecute in exceptional circumstances only.

After five years of discussion Ministers came to agreement in Luxembourg on a text that makes any "public incitement to violence or hate with regard to a group of people or a member of a group defined by race, colour, religion, descent, national or ethnic origin" a crime punishable by a three year prison sentence.

For additional information on the framework decision please click here.
European Parliament report underlines that integration of people with disabilities has to start in childhood

By adopting on 26 April an own-initiative report on the situation of women with disabilities in the European Union, the European Parliament called on the Commission and Member States to "ensure the removal of existing barriers and obstacles, including architectural barriers, with a view to creating equal rights and opportunities for women and girls with disabilities to play a part in family, political, cultural, social and professional life".

This, they note, can be done " particularly through better implementation of Community anti-discrimination and gender-equality legislation and better use of the opportunities provided by relevant Community programmes and the European Social Fund".
The European Union allocates ? 93,8 millions to promote fundamental rights and democratic participation over the period 2007-2013

The financial instrument Fundamental Rights and Citizenship under new Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 has just received the Council's final green-light.

The new instrument aims at supporting respect for fundamental rights and at encouraging citizens' participation in the democratic life of the European Union. It fosters civil society and bolsters an open and transparent dialogue between stakeholders.

Projects financed under this instrument will also promote tolerance and a better intercultural understanding throughout Europe, fighting racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.

State of play in negotiations on Structural Funds’ National Strategic Reference Frameworks and Operational Programmes: Where are we now?

After Greece and Malta, the European Commission recently adopted the Structural Funds’ National Strategic Reference Frameworks submitted by Austria, Denmark and Lithuania.

In a press release issued last month, EAPN called on the Commission to live up to its responsibility and make sure the new round of Structural Funds for 2007-2013 enables the EU to make a decisive impact on poverty and social exclusion.

EU Diversity Truck started touring Europe on 25 April

The EU Diversity Truck started to tour Europe on the 25th of April. Leaving from the seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, it will promote human diversity and equal opportunities for all throughout Europe. The Truck tour is a symbolic unifying band between all the actions of the 2007 European Year for Equal Opportunities for All.

For more information, please visit

ILGA-Europe welcomes condemnation of homophobia by European Parliament 

In a press release, the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA-Europe) warmly welcomed the adoption by the European Parliament on 26 April of a new resolution on homophobia in Europe.

The resolution highlights the general problem of homophobia at pan-European level and makes a number of specific references to Poland and a climate of state-sponsored homophobia in that country.

“We will continue working with all institutions towards strengthening and enhancing protections against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity”, stated Patricia Prendiville, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe. 

REMINDER! Sign ATD Fourth World’s petition “Ending extreme Poverty, a Road to Peace!”

To increase the impact of the 17th October, the International Day Against Poverty, ATD Fourth World and other human rights NGOs from all different backgrounds have come together to launch a petition to support their call to action titled 'Ending Extreme Poverty, a Road to Peace'.

This declaration can be signed up until the 1st October on the site: It will then be presented to the United Nations on the 17th October 2007.  
Commissioner ?pidla promises EU action on elder abuse at AGE Annual General Assembly

Addressing the European Older People’s Platform (AGE) General Assembly on 20 April, Commissioner ?pidla stressed the need to tackle elder abuse at EU level.

“We need to start protecting energetically older people against any form of abuse”, said Mr. ?pidla. “I am pleased to inform you that the Commission is preparing a Communication on the topic which will be launched early 2008 at a conference the Commission is organising jointly with AGE”, he added.

Commissioner ?pidla’s speech can be found on the Commission’s website at:

New European network for inclusion and local social action needs your support

The new European network for inclusion and local social action, ELISAN, needs your support if it is to accomplish its mission of enabling locally elected representatives in the field of social action to have their say.
So far ELISAN has received 151 expressions of support from towns, CCAS (community social action centres), and counties, as well as from organisations working with local authorities in Europe, parliamentarians, etc.

ELISAN calls on all interested parties to join the network so that they can do their bit for the issues facing Europe today and in the future.

For more information on how to join the network:
The Civil Society Contact Group publishes a briefing on the follow-up of the green paper ‘European Transparency Initiative'

The Civil Society Contact Group just published a briefing on the communication the European Commission released on 21 March on the follow-up of the green paper on transparency.

It is also preparing a short statement reacting especially on the proposed register for interest representatives.

The Civil Society Contact Group briefing can be found on our website on

New leaflet on PROGRESS

This new 12-page information leaflet sets out how PROGRESS will rationalise and streamline EU funding across these policy areas over the next seven years. The aim is to support EU Member States address the considerable challenges Europe faces in employment and social affairs.

EWL publishes report on migrant women in the European UnionThe publication presents the result of the three-day event organised by EWL on 19-21 January 2007 in Brussels, bringing together migrant women activists across Europe.

During the workshops, migrant women participants exchanged their experiences and explored together innovative ways to ensure that the particular concerns of migrant women are taken into account by decision-makers.

Measuring the impact of Cohesion policy to employment - practical, step-by-step guidance available on-line

A new practical guide on how to measure the employment effects of Cohesion policy has become available on-line. The working document provides practical, step-by-step guidance to measuring employment effects using a ‘bottom-up’ approach.

Three key steps are suggested – setting targets and estimating gross employment effects, converting gross employment estimates into net effects, and an overall assessment. The steps broadly correspond with successive stages in the programming cycle.

The new European Handbook on Equality Data is out!

The “European Handbook on Equality Data” seeks to provide decision makers and other stakeholders with the means by which to assess and improve the national compilation of equality data. It deals with the grounds of discrimination covered by these directives, namely racial and ethnic origin, religion and belief, age, disability and sexual orientation.

Poverty among Migrants in Europe
This European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research’s Policy Brief analyses the level of poverty among migrants in 14 European countries. Migrants from outside the European Union are occasionally exposed to a multiple times higher risk of poverty than the “indigenous” population. EU and non-EU migrants constitute two rather distinct groups in most countries in terms of their exposure to poverty.
Report on undocumented children in Europe
“They Are Children Too”, a new report by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), analyses 150 cases from across Europe and shows how unaccompanied minors, children in families of asylum seekers and children whose parents are undocumented, are being damaged by the harsh, target-driven deportation systems which now prevail across the continent.

 Guides to EU funding for NGOs
ECAS has recently published the 13th edition of its guides to EU funding for NGOs. These two volumes - on funding within and outside the EU - are an invaluable source of information on a wealth of EU funds, making it easy for you to find your way around the programmes.
They have been fully updated and revised for this year, including an essential chapter on the new financial perspectives for 2007-13.


May 2007   

21-22 May: EIPA Seminar "The European Social Fund 2007-2013: Making best use of EU funding for developing the labour market”,

 Milan    21-24 May: World conference on children without parental care, The Hague 
 24 May: EAPN Portugal Conference “Social Economy and the Third Sector: instruments to fight poverty and social inclusion”, Porto 
 31 May – 1 June: The Brussels Economic Forum 2007 "Global adjustment and EMU",  Brussels

31 May-2 June: Conference 'No Health without Mental Health: From Slogan to Reality', Vienna

June 2007 1 June: FEANTSA/CoR seminar "Key elements for a successful local homeless strategy: How Europe can support local authorities to improve the fight against homelessness", Brussels 

 4-5 June: Symposium "Let's share the benefit - with gender budgeting towards social justice and equal opportunities", Frankfurt/Main

5 June: SSIG-FR Conference in partnership with the Social Platform “Social and Health services of General Interest: Towards an European strategy?”, Brussels

 5-6 June: Employment Week 2007, Brussels

 7 June: NIACE and MEET partnership conference on "Integrating Migrants into the EU Labour Market through Recognition, Skills Development and Awareness Raising", Brussels

7-8 June: OSCE High-Level Conference on Combating Discrimination and Promoting Mutual Respect and Understanding, Bucharest

11-12 June: Conference "Education, Employment, Equal Opportunities - Empowering Disabled People", Berlin

13-15 June: 8th European Union of Supported Employment Conference, Belfast

14-16 June: Conference of the ICSW European Region and Vilnius University "Equal Opportunities for Individuals, Groups and Nations", Vilnius

15 June: Stakeholder conference "Active inclusion: Minimum income schemes and the integration of people excluded from the labour market", Brussels

15-16 June: 15th European Social services Conference, "Opportunity for All: the challenge for social and health services in a diverse Europe", Berlin 

21-22 June: EAPN Portugal seminar “Delivering Structural Funds in Partnership”, Porto

28-29 June: PICUM conference "Access to health care for undocumented migrants in Europe", Brussels

28-30 June: IRM (Institute for Regional and Migration Research) Conference on "Migration and Inequality", Trier and Luxembourg

October 2007

8-11 October: Open Days 2007: the European Week of Regions and Cities, Brussels

16 October: Sixth European Roundtable on Poverty and Social Exclusion organised by the Portuguese Presidency, PortugalPortugal, 16-17 October 2007

18-19 October: FEANTSA conference and information day "Multiple barriers, multiple solutions: Inclusion into and through employment for people who are homeless in Europe", Zaragoza (Spain)


Call for proposals: Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights in Turkey Programme – Deadline: 6 June 2007

Call for proposals: Women and Multiple Discrimination – Deadline: 11 June 2007

Call for tender: Contract for the establishment and maintenance of a network of experts in gender equality, social inclusion, health and long-term care – Deadline: 12 June 2007

Restricted call for proposals: Improvement of gender mainstreaming in national policies and programmes – Deadline: 13 June 2007

Call for tender: Peer Review in social protection and social inclusion and Assessment in social inclusion – Deadline: 13 July 2007

 Call for proposals: Follow-up and dissemination activities to the Mutual Learning Programme of the European Employment Strategy – Deadline: 29 June 2007

Call for proposals: Projects contributing to the evaluation of the European Employment Strategy – Deadline: 29 June 2007

ILGA-Europe is looking for a Policy Programmes Officer

For details and application pack please click here .

























Published by
Kvinnokooperativet, SAGA