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A Roadpap for Equality btw Women and Men 2006-2010


Basic financing

Business Innovation


Citizens Participation


Common policies



County board



Discussion forum

Distance education


Economic growth


Education and training




Employment & social affairs




Equal opportunities

Equal pay for women and men

ESF Article 6, Innovative Measures





EU Presidency


EU-Project financing

European Commission

European integration

European organization

Europe's Future



Future W.IN.NET EU 25

Gender based violance

Gender equality

Gender equality strategy

Gender mainstreaming


Industry policy


Information society, IST


International contacts



Leonardo da Vinci programme

Life Long Learning (LLL)

LRC - Local Resource Centre


National level

National Public authority



Network building





Preventive health


Public equivalent body

Public health

R & D

Regional development

Regional policy

Regional strategies


RRC - Regional Resource Centre

Rural area

Social economy

Sparsely populated area


Sustainable development

Sustainable Future

Sustainable growth


The Future of Europe

Viability and vitality

Women and SET (science,engineering, technology)


EAPN FLASH No 159 18 January 2006

 EAPN FLASH No 159 - 18 January 2006



New framework for the open method of coordination on social protection and social inclusion

On 22 December 2005, the European Commission adopted a Communication entitled "Working together, Working better: A new framework for the open coordination of social protection and inclusion policies in the European Union", which sets out the Commission's proposals to create - from Autumn 2006 - a streamlined framework for further development of the OMC on Social Protection and Social Inclusion. Today, there are three separate processes on social inclusion, pensions and health and long-term care. Streamlining will bring together the three strands of work, but allow the specific features which are important to each policy area to develop further. The proposal therefore comprises overarching objectives plus three groups of objectives specific to each policy area.

According to the Commission, this Communication "aims to create a stronger, more visible OMC with a heightened focus on policy implementation, which will interact positively with the revised Lisbon Strategy, while simplifying reporting and expanding opportunities for policy exchange". (Source: EC)

See COM (2005) 706: English - French - German


Support to transnational projects to promote gender equality

The purpose of this call is to finance transnational projects to promote gender equality. In 2006, the priority theme will be the promotion of gender equality, particularly in local development. This theme will allow two different but complementary issues to be dealt with: on the one hand, how to encourage balanced participation of men and women in the various aspects of local development, both economic and social, and, on the other hand, how policies implemented at local level can encourage, on a daily basis, the promotion of gender equality. This priority theme may be developed in areas such as economic life, equal participation and representation, social rights, civil life, gender roles and stereotypes. Other themes will be considered, provided that they involve the promotion of gender equality.

The total estimated budget for this call is around EUR 4,284,000. Proposals must respect the maximum limits of Community cofinancing, i.e. a maximum grant of EUR 500,000 and 80% of total eligible costs.

The closing date for this call is 28 April 2006.

Text of the call: English - French - German
To access the application form:


EAPN reaction to the streamlined framework for the OMC on social protection and social inclusion

On the eve of the Informal Meeting of the Employment and Social Affairs Ministers, on 19-20 January in Villach, Austria, EAPN has reacted to the Commission's proposals for a new framework for the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) on Social Protection and Social Inclusion. 'Combating growing levels of poverty and inequality is essential for the future of the EU', states Fintan Farrell, Director of EAPN, before his meeting - as head of the Social Platform delegation - with the Troika of Ministers. 'At a time when large sections of the population believe that the over emphasis on the internal market regulations and competitiveness are undermining social protection systems, the Communication must be judged against its ability to address these concerns and to restore confidence in the EU project amongst the citizens'.

Download the full EAPN response to the Communication


Austria takes over the EU Presidency

On 1st January, Austria took over the Presidency of the EU. Eight days later, the Government of Federal Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel met the European Commission to discuss the work programme of the six-month Austrian Presidency. It includes measures to stimulate the European economy and labour market, to promote small and medium-sized businesses and to devote greater attention to research and development. Growth and employment are clearly prioritised, as well as education and training, in order to boost the Lisbon Strategy. As the next concrete step in that direction, the Commission will table its first annual progress report on 25 January; it will assess the 25 National Reform Programmes (NRPs) submitted by Member States in the autumn 2005.

Also note that the June Summit will be devoted in particular to an interim review of the period of reflection on the future of Europe, not only on institutional problems but also on topics such as social cohesion and regional development. (Source: EC, Presidency)

Austrian Presidency's website:

Presidency's work programme:


Speed up process for reaching an agreement on the Services Directive

After two years of discussions on the Services Directive (the so-called Bolkestein Directive), the Commission has decide to speed up the adoption process: after the European Parliament's vote on 15 February, the Commission will issue a new proposal in due time before the Spring Council of 23-24 March. Until now, this new proposal has been expected for April or May. The Commission and the Austrian Presidency think that this change in the schedule will make it possible to reach an agreement on the Directive before the end of the Austrian Presidency.

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is calling for a major demonstration on the Services Directive on 14 February 2006 in Strasbourg. The Trade Unions believe it is important to make its voice heard on a series of crucial issues: excluding labour law, together with all collective agreements, from the directive; excluding services of general interest and attacking the country of origin principle in the draft directive. (Sources: EurActiv, ETUC)

Commission's website on the Services Directive:

European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market:


Commission's policy plan on economic migration

On 21 December 2005, the European Commission adopted a 'Policy Plan on Legal Migration', which includes 'admission procedures capable of responding promptly to fluctuating demands for migrant labour in the labour market'. This Plan presents the Commission's views on how to respond to the economic and demographic challenges, and to the immigration pressures at the borders of the EU.

The Policy Plan is mainly focused on economic migration and aims at giving an overview of the whole range of initiatives - legislative and non - that the Commission intends to take in the next years in this field during the period 2006-2009. While 2006 will be mostly devoted to carrying out studies on specific issues and discussions on the way forward, this preparatory phase will be followed by several concrete initiatives starting from 2007. (Source: EC)

See Memo 05/494 for further information.


Commission launches two new websites

Workers' mobility: 2006 has been designated the European Year of workers' mobility. To stimulate the debate, the European Commission has recently established a dedicated website where users can find information on activities and events organised in the framework of the Year, as well as updated news items, interviews with key stakeholders and facts and figures on mobility.

Roma: The Commission has also launched a new website dedicated to the Roma. It aims to provide information on the EU's activities in support of the Roma, Gypsy and Traveller community across Europe. Users can access a range of information on the different policies, programmes and initiatives of the EU to promote social inclusion and combat discrimination against Roma.



Material deprivation in the European Union

At EU level, the most frequently used common indicators in the field of poverty and social exclusion are based on an approach to poverty which is uni-dimensional (i.e. monetary) and relative (i.e. based on a threshold defined in relation to the distribution of income within each country).

The approach proposed in a new Eurostat report aims at complementing the information summarised in those indicators, by looking at more 'absolute' measures of material deprivation, based on different dimensions ('economic strain', enforced lack of durables and problems with housing). The overlap between relative monetary poverty and material deprivation is also examined, as well as the risk factors of being deprived in the different dimensions. A weighted version of the indicators is also proposed, in order to give a less 'absolute' view of the material deprivation, more relative to each national context.

Eurostat, Statistics in Focus, Population and social conditions,
21/2005: Material deprivation in the EU



Social emergency and crisis intervention in large European cities

This edition of the FEANTSA magazine brings to a close our work on the annual theme of 'Social Emergency and Crisis Intervention in large European cities' that has taken place throughout the course of 2005. It covers a range of issues related to the changing nature of street homelessness and approaches to tackling this problem across Europe.

You can read it on the FEANTSA website:


Newsletter of the Peer review on social inclusion, last issue of 2005

The last issue of 2005 of the Newsletter of the Peer review programme in the field of social inclusion policies, which is a key instrument of the Community Action Programme to combat social exclusion, is now available. The Newsletter is available in English, French and German and can be downloaded from the programme website in the preferred language by using the following link:


Towards common measures for discrimination

"Common Measures for Discrimination" - a two-year project funded under the Community Action Programme to combat discrimination " has issued a new report on improving the measurement of discrimination by linking different sources of data together. The project aims to develop recommendations on how to measure ethnic discrimination in a way that is representative, comparable and allows for the description of trends.

The 100-page report presents a general overview of how multiple data sources can be combined to deliver a clear and accurate picture of discrimination.

More information about the project


New book on Equality in Ireland: An Ambition for Equality

An Ambition for Equality, by Niall Crowley (former co-ordinator of the EAPN Task Force on Structural Funds), identifies and explores the different means by which equality is promoted in Ireland. These means include equality legistation, equality institutions, equality mainstreaming and positive action measures. This book explores the casework under the Irish equality legislation and casts a critical eye on the provisions in that legislation, mixing practical experience with an academic perspective.

Available (Price: EUR 65) from the Irish Academic Press, Northumberland House, 44, Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, IRL-Dublin 4. Tel. +353 (0) 668 8244, Fax: +353 (0) 660 1610, Email: Website:



Informal Meeting of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers, 19-20 January 2006

The meeting will be preceded by a meeting of the EU Troika with the Social Platform. Fintan Farrell, Director of EAPN, will take part in that meeting as head of the Social Platform delegation.

The Ministers' meeting will be divided into two parts, an employment part as well as a social policy one. The discussion concerning employment policy will be organised under the key topic "Flexicurity". Assuming that a corresponding social safety net represents an essential foundation for flexibility in the labour markets, there will be a discussion on the compatibility of the European Social Model with the safeguarding of European competitiveness. The social policy part will deal with the social dimension of the revised Lisbon strategy, particularly with the streamlining approach in the area of social protection and social inclusion. (Source: Presidency)

More information on the Informal Meeting.


A social Europe - a vision for the future - Vienna, 2-3 February 2006

Volkshilfe Österreich (People's Aid Austria) together with Solidar is holding an international conference in Vienna on 2-3 February 2006.

Featuring key note speeches and workshop panels around the issues of poverty eradication, employment and education, health care and the financial sustainability of the European welfare models, the conference will be an opportunity for NGO activists, trade unionists, politicians and academia to get together, share their expertise and enter into a lively debate about the future of social policy in Europe and to plan a Europe wide campaign to strengthen and modernise our European social models. A final panel discussion will give the opportunity to discuss the results of the workshops with representatives from the European Comission, the European Parliament, the Austrian Presidency and the ETUC.

More information on this Conference.



Anti-discrimination: calls for proposals and tenders in 2006

The European Commission plans to launch a number of new calls for proposals and calls for tenders during the course of 2006, under the Community Action Programme to combat discrimination. Calls for proposals will be issued for:
· An EU-level organisation representing and defending Roma, to provide support towards its operating costs. This call will be published during the first quarter of 2006 and represents a re-issue of the call originally issued in 2005.
· Awareness-raising activities developed by national authorities. This call will only be addressed to the relevant national authorities (EU Member States, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey) and will be issued in the first quarter of the year.
Calls for tender will be issued for:
· A study on multiple discrimination
· A study on socially disadvantaged ethnic minorities
· A study on developing indicators to measure the extent and impact of discrimination
· Non-discrimination training for NGOs and social partners in EU Member States, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and EEA countries. (Source: EC)
More information - as well as the calls themselves, when published - is available on:


Actions in support of civil society in the new Member States

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security has launched a call for proposals concerning preparatory action to support civil society in the Member States which acceded to the EU on 1 May 2004. The call for proposals, complete with the grant application form and guidelines to use this form, is available at the following address:

The completed application form and all its annexes must be sent to the European Commission by 15 February 2006.


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Kvinnokooperativet, SAGA